Jayd Almquist

2 Op Collective has their eyes on JAYD ALMQUIST! Here are some examples of his work:             Q. Tell us about your work? A. My expression is a journey within my subconscious.  When I create I try to find the quite place within my mind, then I concentrate on the … Continue reading

Li Ma

2 Op Collective has their eyes on LI MA! Here are some examples of her work: Q. Tell us about your work? A. I grew up as a typical “Post-80s” Chinese who was born after the “One Child” policy. I did everything I was expected to do, pursued an Engineering degree and then worked in … Continue reading

Beth Waldman Keenan

2 Op Collective has their eyes on BETH WALDMAN KEENAN! Here are some examples of her work:               Q. Tell us about your work? A. The submitted images are part of my current series of paintings called “City of Sillar”. “The City of Sillar” is not only a tourist destination, … Continue reading

Patricia Araujo

  2 Op Collective has their eyes on PATRICIA ARAUJO! Here are some examples of her work:           Q. Tell us about your work? A. I’ve been painting San Francisco’s central city architecture for the past decade and my interest in the Mid-Market neighborhood continues, addressing the themes of urban growth … Continue reading

Julie Anna Thompson

2 Op Collective has their eyes on JULIE ANNA THOMPSON! Here are some examples of her work: Q. Tell us about your work? A. This series is based on an Auto Shop that was on the corner of Franklin and Fell Street in San Francisco.  The building, which had become a staple in the neighborhood, … Continue reading

Jeff Paul Riley

2 Op Collective has their eyes on JEFF PAUL RILEY! Here are some examples of his work:   Q. Tell us about your work? A.   This body of paintings are visual arrangements loosely based on genetic coding charts, the groupings of dominant & recessive traits. These visual systems are used as a beginning for the … Continue reading

Brad Bernhardt

2 Op Collective has their eyes on BRAD BERNHARDT! Here are some examples of his work: Q. Tell us about your work? A. The idea behind the MoNkey BiZness installation is difficult to sum up as just a simple art collection, it is much more complex than that. It is a movement, a kind of … Continue reading

April Featured Artist: Nicole Helen Brunner

Congrats to our newest monthly Featured Artist Nicole Helen Brunner. You can see more of her work at http://nicolehelen.com/